I have known Dominique for many years and have experienced her healing work over many sessions. Dominique is a gifted healer and a wonderful human being. Check out her work if you are interested in clearing energetic blocks and shifting your energy system. Steve Nobel, the Soul Matrix
I can highly recommend Dominique. After just one session I could feel an immediate effect. The session was light yet powerful and there was a deep inner strength activated within me. This has led me to putting my needs first without feeling bad. I feel so empowered after our session. Marcia O’Regan Abundance Coach, France
Dominique is a gifted and guided gatekeeper, gentle and powerful. I contacted her to manifest the sale of my apartment. The place had been on the market for months and could not find its buyer. During the one session, Dominique checked, cleared, defragmented, worked with negative potentials, ignited, upgraded and only she knows what else she did. The same day the buyer showed up, offered the asking price and bought the apartment. Manifestation happened within less than 24 hours. If you feel lost, blocked, not supported – contact Dominique and she will clear the path for you and help you find your own power and manifest from that wonderful place. It is a joy to work with her. Agnes Tarnai, Coach, Budapest
The clearing session with Dominique was incredibly powerful. The initial focus was to support me with getting clients for a thriving coaching practice but as we dove into the session, it was clear that there was a lot around money beliefs and stories that needed to be cleared. We went into situations from my childhood, teens and even in the womb to clear some deeply engrained limiting beliefs and blocks to receiving. I felt a real energy shift right after the session, like some channels had been un-blocked, then the next day my body physically went through it’s own clearing. It’s now been a few days since the session and already I am re-launching my business and have written marketing content for the next few months. I have also started sharing again on social media with renewed energy after three months with no action!
Tara Jackson, Author of Embodied
Dominique, I wanted to say a big thank for our sessions. I really enjoyed them and the experience, the supercharged intention setting and clearing of old patterns. Thank you so much for your process. I can’t wait to see what unfolds. Instead of fear and hesitation or worry, I am returning home with excitement and curiosity about what is next. I feel this is a direct result of the work we’ve done. Thank you. Jennifer Wirth, Marketing x Branding, Boulder CO
Through Dominique’s guidance, “truths” I held were immediately cleared, recognising them as such was the moment of their disintegration. She also led me to create powerful clarity on my deepest, wildest desires.
Pam Rubin, writer, Brussels
‘What an extraordinary day of internal and body cosmic consciousness shifts. Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and experiences and Dominique your work is SO powerful! Thank you for this new wisdom and alchemical change potential.’ G.H, London
What an extraordinary day of healing and high-frequency energy work. Thank you Dominique, your work is astonishing and amazing. I am so grateful to have been able to spend this day in such wonderful company, and getting to know our own Devas and Cosmic Team.’ Dr. Pete Jeffs, Chiropractor, Kinesiologist & Horse Whisperer, UK
My session with Dominique was amazing! In just one hour Dominique covered, if I remember correctly, as many as 6 very important topics for me. There really was A LOT going on! Her working method is very, very interesting and overall it was great experience. Some time after the session, I definitely notice an impact in one key aspect – abundance. New opportunities are also opening up for me in other areas. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Sebastian Dackow, Healer & Channel, Poland

Dominique’s first original system Sacred Life Alchemy, created with Ella Owen, was frequently featured in the British mainstream and alternative press, including the Daily Express, the Mirror, Soul & Spirit, Spirit & Destiny, Prediction magazine, and other UK publications. They also appeared at the London Mind Body Spirit Festival. Her Metamorphic Technique workshops were also featured in Prediction, Kindred Spirit & Soul & Spirit magazines.