Heart Awakening Workshop: Upgrade from Head to Heart

Your heart is the medicine the world needs right now!

The old mind centric world is in its final throws. The way forward is not to be found in the mind, but by shifting to the next level of human evolution, the heart.

This transmission workshop will activate a profound upgrade in your consciousness by dismantling your old core driver, the mind, retiring it to its proper place, and upgrading to a new way of living through the Heart. 

We were all born into these transition times.

Upgrading to Heart Consciousness is how we change ourselves, and how we change the world. 

We will:

-Call in a new ‘Heart Focused’ Spirit Team to guide you

-Release all personal patterns which keep you anchored in the mind & the old paradigm

-Disconnect from collective energies which pull you into the old consciousness of us vs them

-Transition to the Heart as your new core driver

-Heal, repair, realign & restructure your energy matrix

-Open new Heart-centric qualities and perceptions of reality

-Activate a connection between your heart and the heart of humanity, the heart of the planet, and the heart of Life

-Expand trust in these transitional times

-Activate a vision of your unique contribution to the new reality, by following your heart

-Create a take home hologram to keep anchoring the new Heart Field

The time to make this shift is NOW!

Sunday August 4th on Zoom
1pm-6pm UK ~ 9am-2pm EST

Energy Exchange: £75 (approx $95)

*****Early bird offer til April 19th: £50 (approx $65)*****

How to book: Contact me using the contact form below or email: [email protected]