The Body Alchemy: Anti-Ageing Health and Beauty: Anti-Ageing, Health & Beauty Upgrade is a deep energetic process to transform your body. Using cutting edge alchemical techniques, we clear the body of all the trauma, wounds, pain, fear, abuse & illness energies it carries from this life, past lives and ancestral inheritance.
We then retune all aspects of the body, harmonising it through all levels, infusing it with love, and upgrading the energetic field to a higher template of light.
This higher energetic structure does not age in the old way, or carry frequencies that cause disease and degeneration. Rather, it allows you to radiate your authentic, natural beauty. This is a powerful upgrade for your body, your beauty, your health and rejuvenation.
Clear these energies from the body
Trauma & Pain from all lifetimes including death, violence & abuse imprints
Low frequency energies, beliefs, emotions & behaviours
Body-Mind disconnects
Body armouring
Inherited ancestral body patterns & illness imprints
Past life imprints
All limiting health programs like cancer, dementia, degeneration etc….
Collective energy fields around ageing, health & beauty
And much more….
Upgrade all aspects & expressions of your body
Upgrade your DNA
Infuse higher levels of Love & Light in your cells
Your connection to Source Energy
Slow down the ageing process
Activate powerful rejuvenation
Install a new Template of Light
Upgrade your health, rejuvenation & beauty
And much more…..
Six one to one sessions £900 (£450 Half Price offer valid if booked by January 31st)
What people say about this process:
‘Am still feeling 10 years younger, vibrant , joyful.’ Cliona O’Conaill